Population Health Datasets
Utah-Specific Datasets
The state offers several unique resources to researchers in Utah.
- Utah All-Payer Claims Database (APCD)
- Utah’s APCD contains data from health insurance carriers, Medicaid, and third party administrators in Utah. These data consist of medical, pharmacy, and dental claims as well as insurance enrollment and health care provider data.
- Utah Facility Database
- The Healthcare Facility Database contains encounter records for all licensed hospitals, emergency rooms, and ambulatory surgery centers in Utah. Inpatient records date from 1992, and other encounters from 1996. These data represent all hospitalizations, emergency department visits and ambulatory surgeries and diagnostic procedures performed in Utah regardless of payer.
- Utah Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health
- Data on indicators of public health relevant to citizens of Utah.
- Utah Population Database
- The UPDB provides detailed longitudinal data on Utah residents including medical, birth, and death records and other sociodemographic and healthcare details. It also includes linkages with the Utah All-Payer Claims Database.
National/International Databases - Public
- Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI)
- A multi-payer, longitudinal commercial dataset inclusive of one-third of the employer-sponsored insurance population.
- Optum Claims Data
- Claims data and clinical information from 160 de-identified records.
- Harmonized claims data from across the United States.
- Enrollment and claims data from Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
National/International EMRs
- Cosmos
- Longitudinal dataset containing EMR data linking patients across providers.
- TriNetX
- EMR data configurable into multiple different forms, containing information on patients across the US and including several international datasets.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Working conditions, occupational health, and injury data.
- Integrated Public Use Microdata Series
- Census and survey data that has been harmonized, including historical, national and international data.
- National Death Index
- Centralized database of death record information.
- US Census Health Statistics
- The Census Bureau provides statistics covering people and businesses relating to health in the United States.
- Customizable national datasets with detailed social, economic, housing, and demographic data.
- Variables in the database correspond to five key SDOH domains: social context, economic context, education, physical infrastructure, and healthcare context. The database can also be linked to other data by geographic identifiers.
- Survey of Income and Program Participation
- Nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive information on the dynamics of income, employment, household composition, and government program participation.
Healthcare Cost and Quality
- Historical and contemporary data on demographics, operations, service line, staffing, C-suite information, expenses, physician organization structures, beds, utilization and more.
- Surveys administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services which ask patients (or in some cases their families) about their experiences with, and ratings of, their health care providers and plans, including hospitals, home health care agencies, doctors, and health and drug plans, among others.
- Large-scale survey repository including surveys of public health, attitudes towards health reform, and access to medical care; surveys of health care professionals and organizations, public health professionals, and nurses; evaluations of innovative programs for the delivery of health care, and many other topics and populations of interest.
- Source of hospital care data, including information on inpatient stays, emergency department visits, and ambulatory surgery and service encounters, beginning in 1988.
- Geographic area, population, and facility HPSA designations data for Primary Care, Dental Health, and Mental Health throughout the United States.
- Maps, data, reports, and dashboards to the public about HRSA’s health care programs. The data integrates with external sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, providing information about HRSA’s grants, loan and scholarship programs, health centers, and other public health programs and services.
- Provides data on nursing home care in the US focusing on relationships between state policies, local market forces, and the quality of long-term care.
- Large-scale, rotating panel surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is the most complete source of data on cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage in the U.S..
The National Health Care Surveys are a family of surveys that provide information about organizations and providers that deliver health care, the healthcare services they provide, and the patients they serve across diverse healthcare settings.
Collects data on patient care in hospital-based settings to describe patterns of health care delivery and use in the United States. Hospital-based settings include inpatient departments, emergency departments, and outpatient departments.
- Monitors trends in the supply, provision, and use of the major sectors of paid, regulated long-term care services using survey data on the residential care community and adult day services sectors, and administrative data on home health, nursing home, hospice, inpatient rehabilitation, and long-term care hospital sectors.
- United States Census Bureau Health Datasets
Health Equity
- Compendium of Federal Datasets Addressing Health Disparities
- Compilation of information on health equity data. This compendium is a useful resource for exploring data related to socioeconomic factors and social determinants of health.
Health Policy
- LawAtlas Policy Surveillance Program
- Home to legal data that describe the global landscape of laws and policies that shape health, well-being, and equity.
Public Health
- Database assembled and maintained by the NIH including genomic variants, survey responses, physical measurements, electronic health record information, and wearables data.
- Health-related telephone surveys that contain state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.
- Public-use data sets about mortality (deaths), cancer incidence, HIV and AIDS, TB, natality (births), census data and many other topics are available.
- Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
- A cross-sectional, nationally representative sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States aged 18 years or older. Data on alcohol and drug use disorders, related risk factors and associated physical and mental disabilities
- Data and information platform developed to facilitate longitudinal and cross-country analyses on aging, especially those using the family of Health and Retirement Studies (HRS) around the world.
- NACDA acquires, preserves, and shares data relevant to gerontological research.
- Information from a nationally representative sample of Medicare beneficiaries ages 65 and older. Annual, in-person interviews collect detailed information on disability and its consequences. The sample is refreshed periodically so that researchers may study national-level disability trends as well as individual trajectories.
- Data that supports research on drug addiction and HIV infection obtained by acquiring, enhancing, preserving, and sharing data produced by research grants, particularly those funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- The YRBSS captures the health-related behaviors and experiences of American youth including student demographics, youth health behaviors and conditions, substance use behaviors, and student experiences.
- SEER collects cancer incidence data from population-based cancer registries covering approximately half of the U.S. population. The SEER registries collect data on patient demographics, primary tumor site, tumor morphology, stage at diagnosis, and first course of treatment, and they follow up with patients for vital status.
- Platform that allows investigators to search, access, and analyze Alzheimer’s disease data (as well as data related to dementia and aging).
- SAMHSA collects data through multiple sources and surveys and provides access to public-use data files and documentation.
Crowdsourcing Platforms
Data Science
Contact us
If you need help with any of the following, please book a time to meet with the Matheson Center for a one-on-one consultation:
- Selecting a data source for research or grant proposals
- Complying with federal data management and sharing policies
- Data organization and management